e-horizon announces an agreement for mobile operator OTT solutions in South East Asia2013-01-14 06:30 e-horizon has signed an agreement to supply its Network Convergence Engine solution to a mobile operator in Southeast Asia. The agreement covers several Asian countries. The e-horizon Network Convergence Engine provides mobile operators with operator-enabled OTT solutions that address the operators’ need to stay relevant and competitive in a new world of social media where OTT Internet call and messaging service providers, such as Skype, Viber and WhatsApp, are eating into the operators’ core business. The agreement includes providing mobile-network-integrated OTT services delivered through smartphone applications across several smartphone platforms. “Innovation is needed in the mobile industry as a result of online IP-based call and messaging services that are starting to erode mobile operator revenues. This agreement underlines that e-horizon provides operators with innovation through smartphone-enabled services that are simple for the subscribers to use”, says Mr Anders Berglund, CEO at e-horizon. |